A Devotional | Be Expectant

“Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”

Proverbs 29:18

Many athletes work with sport psychologists to be able to practice the technique of visualization to help themselves see specific success for the next competition. This is incredibly powerful!

As you visualize yourself making healthy decisions daily, your brain and body will follow! Your actions will follow your thoughts!

If we are honest, many of us spend time visualizing negative outcomes.

We can spend endless time worrying or fortune telling the i worst case scenario. This only reinforces a negative outcome, mindset or behavior.

If you allow your mind to wander to think and think of what food your body is craving, the more it will come to life in your mind! The more you fanaticize about what might happen the more likely it will be to happen.

We have been given such an amazing power with our minds, let allow this gift to be used for what keeps us healthy and good stewards of what God has given us!

Dear Father,

  Please help me to keep my thoughts and my visions on you and you alone. Please help me to be aware of the times where I am wandering off with my thoughts visualizing something not healthy for me. I pray that I will be mindful of keeping my thoughts on your word and truth. In Jesus Name Amen

“To step towards your destiny you must step away from security.” Craig Groeschel

“Re-conceptualizing means to conceptualize or think about something afresh. It involves developing a replacement concept for something that is to see things in another way or with “new eyes.”

Dr. Leaf “4 steps to Re-conceptualize a toxic thinking habit into a healthy neural network.”

When you visualize you are creating new pathways in your brain.” Megan Kelly How Thoughts impact our body and brain renewingallthings.com

Jeremiah 29:11, Luke 12:25-26, Psalm 16:11


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