Emotions as Warning Signals

As we become more reflective about our mind, body and soul, it is helpful to become curious about our emotions. Instead of trying to tamp down or change the difficult emotions, first let us become interested in the why.

Our body is always talking to us. Our emotions are the language of the body’s internal state. Before we label ourselves or others as depressed or anxious, let us step in further and listen to why these emotional reactions are taking place.

For example, if you have a problem with big reactions of anger, it may be helpful to learn about why. Anger is a protective emotion. It is typically protecting something good or something bad. Anger is a helpful tool to keep us or those we love safe and protect us from people or situations that could harm us. Anger could be protecting our ego or something we are trying to keep hidden.

If we begin to become curious about where the root of the anger, sadness, panic or anxiety is coming from, it will help us better understand ourselves and create a pathway toward healing.


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