Small Steps: A Devotional on Motivation

Learned Helplessness

I will turn all my mountains into roads, and my highways will be raised up.” Isaiah 49: 11

Have you ever felt like regardless of what you do nothing changes?  It can be very discouraging as we try to begin a new diet plan, or workout routine only to be discouraged at the lack of results and our fading motivation. We can begin to feel as if nothing will work and we will be like this forever.  The good news of the gospel is that there is always hope and that God will make a way where it does not seem like there is one!

A barrier is when we fall into something called “learned helplessness.” This is where we think that nothing we can do will cause change so “why try.” For example, when it comes to weight we may blame our genetics or our busy lives saying we do not have the time or money. This attitude can lead towards feeling like nothing we do matters which is a slippery slope towards feelings of depression. Feelings of lack purpose and hopelessness begin leave us paralyzed and discouraged.

Have you felt this mindset creep in? If so, be encouraged because today is a new day! God promises to make a way for us and that he will lead us and guide us. If we ask him, he will lead us one step at a time. One small decision to trust, and deciding to stick to a new program for eating or exercise will lead to amazing results over time.

Dear God, thank you for having compassion on me and always making a way. I pray that I will walk in faith knowing this truth. Please forgive me for my doubt and discouragement, help me to walk in the hope and purpose you have for me. Amen.

“Do what you can, with what you have where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt

“He who makes excuses is seldom good at anything else.” Ben Franklin

“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.” Eleanor Roosevelt

Further Reading: John 15:6, Mark 1:40, Mark 10:21-23


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Seared Chicken with Greek Salad and Tzatziki