A Devotional | Be Part of The Miracle

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”1 Thessalonians 5:11

As tears running down my face, I remembered how I felt during a rare opportunity at a women’s event in Washington, D.C., this past year. It was a moment that changed me forever. I was volunteering at Lumina, an event at the Bible Museum that helps draw women to God’s Word. During the worship time, Nicole C. Mullen (a Christian singer-songwriter) performed her song, “The God Who Sees,” and it spoke deeply to my heart. Now, I have never been the type of person to stand in line to meet someone, but I wanted to look into her eyes and thank her. Not only did I get this opportunity, but she also ministered to me in such a beautiful way when we did meet. She placed her hands on my shoulders, looked into my eyes, and bodly reminded me that I was not forgotten, that my life was meaningful and that God saw me. She also thanked me for the work I do and beckoned me to release my burdens to God. Her act of encouragement was so timely. She didn’t know I had been struggling to believe God for the issues with my husband’s chronic illness and our struggle with infertility. She didn’t know I felt tired and burdened from my job as a trauma counselor. Her words were like living water to my weary soul. God used Nicole to strengthen my heart. I will cherish this moment in time forever.

Wherever you are right now, I want to take a moment and extend to you the love that was given to me. Imagine I am placing my hands on your shoulders or cupping your beautiful face, looking into your eyes and saying, “You are seen, you are chosen, and you are loved. You are not forgotten. Release your burdens to the God who sees. For His yoke is easy and His burden is light.”

We as believers are privileged with the rare opportunity to partner with God in our lives and in the lives of others. God promises to be there in our weakness and to provide His strength. Today, I invite you to allow God to minister His love to the hidden and forgotten places of your heart. His love for you is so big! Allow yourself receive it. Next, I invite you to be an encouragement to someone else – to look into their eyes and speak hope to their heart. God chooses us to be part of the miracle in spreading His love to those around us!
Here are some ideas for how to encourage others:

  • send a handwritten note (or even a text) telling someone you love them or are thankful for them.

  • give a specific compliment to someone.

  • send flowers and let someone know you are thinking of them.

  • offer prayer.

  • Further Reading:Genesis 16:3b, Psalm 56:8, Hebrews 10:24-25


You Are Not Alone | A Devotional


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