Creating a Healthy Rhythm of Physical Fitness in Your Life
After working in the fitness industry for 20 years I have learned that one thing is true! There is big difference between those who decide they want to create a lifestyle of health fitness and those who want a quick fix to their weight issue! I am so happy to share that the best thing you can do for yourself is begin now creating a habit of health in your life. This begins with small steps forward. I want to be your cheerleader as you take the first one!
Instead of focusing on weight loss I want you to focus on building, strength, heart health and increasing your ability to complete daily functional tasks with the body you have been given. This keeps you looking forward and focusing on what you CAN DO now instead of looking back and wishing you made different decisions or focused on guild and regret.
Today, I want to share a few perspective shifts that could help your physical goals feel more attainable. In this article I am focusing on physical movement:).
Here are the 4 Ways to break up physical movement:
#1 Daily Movement - walking, hiking
Goal: 30-45 minutes daily
#2 Strength Training - bodyweight work, work with weights
Goal: 2-4 Days for 30-45 minutes
#3 Interval Movements- fast walking, jogging, sprinting, hills, cycling, rowing, jumping, burpees, hiking
Goal: 2-4 Days a week 10-20 minutes
4# Stretching- gentle stretching, yoga movements
Goal: 10-15 minutes daily
Remember, momentum breeds more momentum. I promise you that as you begin to incorporate one of these types of movements into your life you will find more energy, more motivation, and more of a desire to do it again! You will also find that you might even enjoy parts of it!
The small step here is to start with where you are and the best workouts are the ones you do!
If you do not have movement in your life right now, I would advise beginning with #1 Daily movement for 10 minutes a day and stretching 10 minutes a day. Commit to this regardless of how you feel, what is happening around you or what the weather is! I highly encourage you to do this outside as well! The sunshine provides vitamin D essential for increasing mood and being outside in nature allows you to be in awe of what is around you bringing a sense of gratitude.
I have some awesome free downloads that focus more on nutrition. Also, if you would like some help with baby steps and nutrition defiantly consider the RESET your physical health group I’ll be starting! Also, for a strength workout check out the minimalist!
Remember it’s all about creating healthy physical routines. This is build through habits! Find one thing you like and keep doing it:). I’m here to help you and excited to help you get started!
You can do this!