Wisdom | A Devotional

Plans fail for lack of counsel but with many advisors they succeed” Proverbs 15:22

If your car is leaking fluid or the brakes are not working right most of us typically do not begin fixing the car. We call a mechanic! Similarly, when we are making changes in our lives, it is vital that we have a roadmap from a trusted source on how we can become successful in reaching our goal.

Continuing to rely on our own understanding or willpower will not produce the desired results! In order to make lasting changes, we must go outside of ourselves utilizing an external structure or program to guide us, keep us accountable, and objectively measure our progress.

After you have set a goal of what you want your future to look like, it is important to create a good team of people around you to help you get there. Whether it is a workout program from a reputable coach, or 12 step recovery program, it is important to be able to have a strategy that you follow as well as a way to evaluate the progress.

There are so many well qualified professionals who are passionate about helping people become healthier. Creating a good team to help guide you towards the fullness of who God created you to be is priceless and worthy venture.

Dear God, thank you for giving me worth and identity. I ask for your wisdom in choosing a team to make changes to my health. Thank you for loving me completely how I am, enough to not keep me the same. I believe you will lead and guide me as I follow you first. Amen

"We change our behavior when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing. Consequences give us the pain that motivates us to change." ~ Henry Cloud

"Life is simply better when we are with others, and worse when we are isolated. God designed us to be connected, and life breaks down when we are not." ~ John Townsend.

God loves you the way you are but refuses to leave you that way- max Lucado

Further Reading: Psalm 119:165, Proverbs 20:18, 1 Peter 5:5-7


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