Practical Ways You Can Practice Compassionate Care for Yourself

Suggested amount of Time: 15 minutes 3-4 x day

Start small ! If you have 1 minute do one minute and then increase from there!

Self-Care is so important to create health within and around you. There are 2 helpful ways to see practicing caring for yourself. One way is more nurturing. I call it the love part:
Love part- Rest and re-align calming the nervous system, comfort, care compassion, nurture, kindness, gentleness, merciful, empathy, acceptance (how you show love to a friend). Forgiveness and Accepting all of the parts of yourself and not labeling them as good or bad.

Examples of compassionate care:

-hugs, massages, counseling, fun with friends, spa, taking time off, reading, listening to what your body needs. Learning new things, being around positive people, signing up for a conference, movement, calming your nervous system.

My ex. Giving myself permission to not be productive and walk in the sunshine. Listening to a worship song and receiving God’s love. Sauna.When I know I need care...pedicure, facial or special meal.

Other Self-Calming
-hug from a friend
4 count breathe
-Grounding - 5 things you see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can -smell, 1 thing you can taste

-Essential oils
-Peaceful place visualization exercise

-buy or pick flowers

-listen to calming music

-listen to worship music

-drink a warm drink

-drink a cold drink
-planned breaks
-soul words journal or share
-Slowing down
-speak gently to yourself
-prayer or receiving prayer
-kind to yourself, actions, thoughts words
-nature sounds
-petting animals
-facial, massage, pedicure
-good smells (flowers etc.)
-set aside time to just be

-put on lotion that smells and feels good
-take care of nurture and love your body mind soul and spirit -joy/enjoy

-hugs from a friend

-Somatic practice
-vagus nerve stimulation

-Breathing (box breathing)


-read a kind note or letter from a friend

-plan something to look forward to

These are some ideas to get you started!


“Though the mountains be shaken and hills removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed says the lord who has compassion on you.” Isaiah 54:10


Self-Care | Integrating Structure and Compassion


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