Soul Words Resource

By: Milan and Kay Yerkovich

Book: “How We Love”

A Feeling Word List

HAPPY, cheerful, delighted, elated, encouraged, glad, gratified, joyful, lighthearted, overjoyed, pleased, relieved, satisfied, thrilled, secure, optimistic

LOVING, affectionate, cozy, passionate, romantic, sexy, warm, tender, responsive, thankful, appreciative, refreshed, pleased, comforted, reassured

HIGH ENERGY, energetic, enthusiastic, excited, playful, rejuvenated, talkative, pumped, motivated, driven, determined, obsessed, jittery

AMAZED, stunned, surprised, shocked, jolted, enlightened

ANXIOUS, afraid, uneasy, nauseated, nervous, restless, preoccupied, worried, scared, tense, fearful, terrified, insecure,

indecisive, hyper-vigilant, cautious

CONFIDENT, positive, secure, self- assured, assertive

PEACEFUL, relieved, at ease, calm, comforted, cool, relaxed, composed, protected

OVERWHELMED, apprehensive, boxed in, burdened, confused, distressed, guarded, hard-pressed, paralyzed, panicky, tense, weighted down, edgy

TRAUMATIZED, shocked, disturbed, injured, damaged, unloved, unlovable, hated

ANGRY, annoyed, controlled, manipulated, furious, grouchy, grumpy, irritated, provoked, frustrated, hateful, cold, icy,bitter, cynical

LOW ENERGY, beaten down, exhausted, tired, weak, listless, depressed, detached, withdrawn, indifferent, apathetic, lazy, bored

ALONE, avoidant, lonely, abandoned, deserted, isolated, cut off, detached, disconnected, unwanted

SAD, unhappy, crushed, dejected, depressed, desperate, hopeless, grieved, heavy, despairing, weepy

BETRAYED, deceived, fooled, duped, tricked, misled, skeptical

CONFUSED, baffled, perplexed, mystified, bewildered, misunderstood, disoriented

ASHAMED, guilty, mortified, humiliated, embarrassed, exposed, stupid

DISAPPOINTED, let down, disheartened, disillusioned, distrustful

INVISIBLE, forgotten, overlooked, unimportant, invisible, disregarded, lost

DESPISED, ridiculed, dumb, belittled, mocked, scorned, shamed, hated, detested


“ANT” Therapy Resource


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