The Heart | A Devotional

“Give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name.” Psalm 86:11

While God offers us amazing grace in our lives, He also calls us to a place of decision-making about what we are truly willing to do in order to make the necessary changes to live a life of freedom.

For example, In the story of the Rich Young Ruler in the Bible, the ruler wanted to inherit eternal life and asked Jesus what he needed to do. Jesus told him to sell all his possessions to the poor. The man could not do this. He did not count the cost. His security had been in his wealth and his own ability to take care of himself. He was not willing to sacrifice all of who he was for all he could be. His heart was hesitant, it was divided.

Many of us struggle with having a divided heart because we are clinging to aspects of food that serves a purpose in our lives.  Food makes us happy, distracts us, comforts us, provides an outlet for an unhappy relationship or feelings of failure, satisfies boredom, protects from unwanted attention, or is a way of showing love.

God does not leave us alone in our difficult moments but, He promises to be with us. He also gives us His spirit to empower us. But we must choose.

Dear Lord, I ask that you will purify my heart. Help me to surrender all of myself to you so that I will grow in my healing journey. Thank you for your grace. Amen

“We become whatever we are committed to.” Rick Warren Purpose Driven Life

“The important thing is this: to be able to any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.”  Charles Frederic Dubois

“If I were your enemy I’d magnify your fears, making them appear insurmountable, intimidating you with enough worries until avoiding them becomes your driving motivation...when you hear the word faith all I want you to hear is unnecessary risk.” Priscilla Shirer “Fervent”

Further Reflection:

Mark 10:17-23, Matthew 6:24, Jeremiah 2:13,


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